Plans continue to move apace for Nokia's next-gen phone push, and the company plans to keep the ball rolling at the Develop In Brighton conference.

Nokia preps next-gen mobile for studios

Kamar Shah, head of industry marketing at the phone company will be conducting a keynote on the Develop Mobile day, Tuesday, July 11th – promising to further flesh out what lies in store for the future of mobile.

“What we’d like to do is inspire the creatives at the conference to realise that the mobile is a great gaming platform, not just to the advancements in technology, but the change in consumer behaviour towards mobile phones,” Shah told Develop.

“We believe the conference is an excellent opportunity to present our offering.”

Nokia will also be in force during sessions dedicated to SNAP Mobile for connected Java games and its next-gen phone plans.

The company is also exhibiting on the expo showfloor and at the Develop Awards – attendees are promised a glimpse of the new platform and a look at new, upcoming handsets that will facilitate the introduction of the new Nokia Play application, the software that adds gaming functionality to new Nokia handsets.

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