UK Games Jobs Live Update: September 2022

This month has seen a steep decline in available jobs compared to previous months, with only 2,413 jobs available in the UK Games Industry according to data provided to us by Games Jobs Live. 

This is unprecedented industry behaviour, with Playground Games and PlayStation alone removing 102 and 69 roles each. Put into consideration alongside the layoffs at large industry companies like Future Publishing, Social Chain, Meta, TikTok Snap, Lockwood Publishing and Unity, the Games Jobs Live report states that this “may forecast a difficult period for the UK Games Industry” still to come. 

As for those that are recruiting, Sumo Digital, Unity, Frontier, Build a Rocket Boy, Splash Damage and Rockstar have the most jobs available. 54% of job roles are located outside London and the South East, which is actually slightly up when compared to August

Producers, Technical Artists and Designers are most in demand roles in the industry right now, which is consistent with previous months despite the lower amount of jobs available.

If you’d like to follow up on the data provided to us by UK since Games Jobs Live in further detail and perhaps even find a new role, you should check out

About Vince Pavey

Vince is a writer from the North-East of England who has worked on comics for The Beano and Doctor Who. He likes to play video games and eat good food. Sometimes he does both at the same time, but he probably shouldn’t.

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